Give the Gift of Intelligence and Happy Holidays!

Rival IQ News & Events


Give the gift of Rival IQ to your friends and colleagues. We still have a few weeks left during our beta period (until Jan 4, 2013), so share this post with your friends and colleagues who would benefit from a Rival IQ subscription. If they make it into our beta, we’ll offer them a lifetime 50% discount on their subscription to Rival IQ as well. They can click here to sign up.

Happy New Year! This has been a great year for the Rival IQ team. We’ve gone from a couple of people sitting in Caffe Umbria talking about helping online marketers optimizing their pricing pages to a couple of people with a product that actually helps our customers be more informed about their online landscape. Along the way, we’ve witnessed the first child among the Rival IQ team and are awaiting the imminent arrival of the second. We’ve even managed to keep the grand majority of our hair intact. And, we had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with so many of you as we evolved Rival IQ.

We cannot say thank you enough for all of the input, guidance, and feedback that you have given us during the last 8 months. It is your insights and observations that help shape the product and give us the motivation to keep improving.

In closing, please be safe during the holidays, and enjoy the company of your family and friends. Thanks for a great 2012, and here’s to a wonderful 2013!

The Rival IQ Team: John, SethP, and Doc

Seth Bridges

Hey there, I'm Seth, one of the co-founders of Rival IQ, where I stay busy working on product design and marketing! When I'm not working, I'm probably playing with my sons. Follow me on Twitter for rantings and opinions on all the things.

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